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Replay animations

Les Ecoles Toulousaines de Santé :
1er acteur de l'enseignement privé de l'Académie de Toulouse dans le domaine de la santé

Trois domaines principaux sont offerts au choix des étudiants :

  • La préparation aux concours : concours PASS/LAS (Médecine, Maïeutique, Odontologie, Pharmacie et Kinésithérapie) à Prépa Vidal.
  • Les BTS conduisant à des métiers sanitaires ou sociaux : BTS Diététique, BTS Economie Sociale Familiale, BTS Services et Prestations des Secteurs Sanitaire et social (SP3S) au CPES IPRESS, et BTS en Prothèse dentaire à l'Ecole Dentaire Française, l'une des plus anciennes écoles privées de France (fondée en 1886),
  • La formation professionnelle, ouvrant la porte à plusieurs métiers dans le monde des professions libérales : Secrétaire médicale à Vidal Formation, Assistant(e) dentaire à l'ESAD (Ecole Supérieure d'Assistant Dentaire), Assistant(e) vétérinaire à SupVéto.

6 écoles depuis 1886

2.200 m2 au cœur de Toulouse

18 cursus proposés dans les métiers de la santé

L’expérience pour préparer votre avenir

Nos Actualités

Have fun with it. We believe in doing things with passion.

Communicate. Relationships are built on communication.

Write generic copy that sounds pretty, but does not help conversions.

Have fun with it. We believe in doing things with passion.

Communicate. Relationships are built on communication.

Write generic copy that sounds pretty, but does not help conversions.

Have fun with it. We believe in doing things with passion.

Communicate. Relationships are built on communication.

Write generic copy that sounds pretty, but does not help conversions.

People first, profits later. We want people to like working!

Stay fresh. Take action. Do unique, fun things. We like to fail a bit to win a lot.

Keep your feet on the ground. Be confident, but down-to-earth.

People first, profits later. We want people to like working!

Stay fresh. Take action. Do unique, fun things. We like to fail a bit to win a lot.

Keep your feet on the ground. Be confident, but down-to-earth.

People first, profits later. We want people to like working!

Stay fresh. Take action. Do unique, fun things. We like to fail a bit to win a lot.

Keep your feet on the ground. Be confident, but down-to-earth.

We are team with a love for creating beautiful things

Donny Darko

Founder & CEO

Josh Green

Chief Product Officer

Jay Wilson

Content Strategy

Marvin McKinney

Director of Engineering

Victoria Lowe

Director of Brand

Sora Lee

Product Designer

Retrouvez tous les sites de nos Écoles Toulousaines de Santé

Our Location

8115 Maple Lawn Blvd, Suite 300Fulton, MD 20759

Let’s work on the next big thing together.

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